Flag organisations 'sad bastard' was a direct response to the gallery space ' the waiting room'.
The brick, concrete and veneered wood of 70's architecture, reminders of things once aspirational, optimistically new and modem, now forgotten, faded and failed. Reclaimed now as 'retro', nostalgic and melancholic, a kind of history. The single pink electric blanket seems pathetic, lonely and single, floating in the middle of the double white duvet, with its' silky ribbons that don't reach the edge or tuck in. Insecure and child like, outgrown like the sad closet one person activities of model making and porn movies. Repetitive and reassuring but rather private. Solitary. The model Harley Davidson and Cadillac speak of dreams mastered in magical plastic resemblance but sit in miniature at the foot of a floor length window, opening the private, primal scene to a ring road of real cars of nineties shapes and sizes. Sad bastard speaks shamefully and uncertainly of the desire to be grown up but still get into Mum and Dad's bed. Grown up but never enough.... Double Life